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Healing Honeybees

"Four Generations of Beekeeping"

Healing Honeybees

It all started with my grandfather back in the 1970s. He started with over a dozen beehives out in Pacific Beach, CA. He was collecting swarms of bees growing his apiary, then decided to expanded out into the east county region of San Diego. My great grandfather started constructing beehives from his carpentry experience, then joined my grandfather in growing the apiary. They were pollinating all over Southern California. Eventually they grew in size, realizing they needed more space, my grandfather along with the family, moved the apiary out to Colorado. The honeybees had an abundance of pollen and endless nectar. We were able to pollinate everything from peaches, pears, apples, cherries, plums, pumpkins, wildflowers, berries, citrus, almonds, nectarines, and many more unique types of honey. We traveled with semi trucks of our honeybees throughout California, Colorado, Montana, the Dakotas, and Washington pollinating our nations agriculture. The key to our high quality raw honey is our happy and healthy honeybees. We work directly with our farmers allowing us to put our honeybees into amazing fields. That allows our honeybees to produce rare and unique honey flavors. Our bees have fields full of nectar and pollen assuring that our raw honey is always pure. None of our raw honey is ever heated, treated, or mixed in any way. You're tasting the actual nectar from the flowers those bees visited. We believe that all of our customers deserve the highest quality of raw honey in nature, and we're committed to providing just that. With every purchase, 1/3 goes directly back to the honeybees! #savethebees

Explore the rest of our site to learn more about our bees, and what we have to offer. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Healing Honeybees LLC will always bee here for you.


Why Our CBD Raw Honey?

Imagine nature's purest nectar turned into liquid gold containing all of nutrients your body needs to survive. Mix our Raw Honey with our Pure CBD Isolate and you get Healing Honeybees. With every purchase, 1/3 goes directly back to the Honeybees! #savethebees


CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is a form of CBD, or cannabidiol, which is a chemical compound present in the cannabis plant. Unlike full-spectrum CBD products, CBD Isolate does not contain any THC — the psychoactive component of cannabis. 

CBD isolate is a good option for those who would like to try CBD, but who cannot or do not want to ingest any tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the active ingredient in cannabis. These receptors exist because the human body produces its own cannabinoids, which may influence several bodily functions, including:

  • appetite

  • memory

  • mood

  • pain perception

  • inflammation levels

Potential Effects of CBD include:

  • boosting the immune system (immune-modulating)

  • fighting inflammation (anti-inflammatory)

  • preventing vomiting (antiemetic)

  • recovery or regeneration of the nervous system (neuroprotective)

  • reducing or preventing anxiety (anti-anxiety)

  • reducing or preventing seizures (anticonvulsant)

  • relieving pain (analgesic)

Studies indicate that CBD can also influence non-cannabinoid receptors, such as the 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) serotonin receptor. Seratonin is a chemical that affects levels of depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness, among others. This may help explain why CBD eases anxiety and pain in some people. 

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Raw Honey

Since ancient times, raw honey is one of the best folk remedies known to mankind. This liquid gold has tremendous health and medicinal benefits. It is an effective energy booster, antiseptic skin toner, doctor for respiratory problems, and an immunity enhancer. Honeybees collect nectar from different flowers and convert it into a sweet sticky golden liquid we know as honey. Raw honey comes straight from honeycombs without any pasteurization and processing. Therefore, it serves as the perfect blend of all essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and other nutritional compounds. Phytochemicals and polyphenols are powerful antioxidants present in raw honey. These compounds effectively reduce oxidative stress and help in clearing free radicals inside. Accumulation of free radicals may cause serious health problems like cancer, diabetes and heart diseases, etc. Using antioxidant substances such as raw honey can help us in getting rid of these damaging free radicals. One of the most important benefits of raw honey is that it can kill a variety of bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens. Its high viscosity helps in protection against microbes. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic present in honey. It naturally boosts our immune system against bacterial and fungal infections and keeps us healthy. Raw honey is full of phytonutrients and polyphenols that improves memory and act as brain boosters. Its constant use increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors(BDNF) and reduces oxidative stress. Overall, eat more raw honey for many added health benefits to your daily activities.



1 out of every 3 bites of food in the United States depends on honeybees and other pollinators. Honeybees pollinate more than 130 fruits and vegetables. Managed honeybees are important to American agriculture because they pollinate a wide variety of crops, contributing to our food diversity, security and profitability. Bees are essential for the health of people and the planet. Honey and other products have medicinal properties, and the role of bees as pollinators makes them vital for food supplies.As well as valuing bees for their honey, people have come to recognize the importance of bees in promoting food security and variety in plants and animals. 

However, a rise in factors, such as pesticide use and urbanization, means that bees are currently in decline, negatively affecting many of the Earth’s ecosystems. A loss of bees would affect honey supplies, but, more importantly, world food security and biodiversity. Without them, the world could be a very different place.

Bees have a cultural and environmental importance as pollinator/producers of honey/medicinal product providers. The movement of pollen between plants is necessary for plants to fertilize and reproduce making the world around you what it is today. Thank you for supporting our honeybees.


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"Never experienced such a honey like this before. Opened my eyes to what pure raw honey should taste like!"

Alexa Young, CA

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